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Winter Weekends

Come and play at dog daycare with your dog!

Ditch the cold, muddy, dog park and play at Barks and Recreation instead! Use our toys and play equipment, and hang out with new friends in our four seperate play spaces. Perfect for puppy playdates, greyhound gangs, breed meet-ups and all sorts of off-lead fun. Just like a dog park, but better!

Dog on Leash.png

Why bring your dog to Barks and Recreation instead of taking them for a walk or to the dog park?

•Avoid the rain, wind, cold and mud and play indoors instead

•A clean and hygienic environment – our premises, equipment and toys are cleaned with veterinary disinfectant daily

•Decreased risk of contracting parasites and diseases from unwell or unvaccinated dogs, or contaminated soil and faeces

•A daycare staff member onsite to oversee the space, ensure house rules are being followed and that dogs are displaying proper doggy etiquette

•Make use of our toys and equipment

•Three separately fenced indoor spaces and a large artificially turfed outdoor space

•Access to bathroom and kitchenette facilities

Saturdays in Winter 

10am - 3pm

All welcome! No bookings required. 

$15 daycare customers / $25 non-daycare customers

Additional dogs from the same family $10.

Please note: This is NOT a daycare service. Staff will be in attendance to oversee the space and offer support if needed, however you are responsible for your own dog – think of it like a children's play centre, but way cooler (because it's for dogs!) All attendees will be required to agree to our Winter Weekends House Rules and Terms and Conditions and provide contact details upon arrival.

Barks and Recreation Winter Weekends - House Rules, Terms & Conditions

  • Your dog is your responsibility. You must be in control of your dogs at all times.

  • If your dog is causing a problem for another dog or its owner, you must take immediate action.

  • Barks and Recreation is a space for dogs. Children are NOT allowed into the play spaces or to use our toys or play equipment. Any children attending must be supervised by an adult at all times.

  • Dogs showing aggression towards other dogs or their owners will be asked to leave.

  • It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure their dog is registered, up to date with vaccinations, in good health and free from illness.

  • Female dogs in season are not permitted.

  • Inhumane treatment (e.g. kicking, hitting) or aggression towards any dog (yours or another person’s) will not be tolerated.

  • Physical/verbal abuse or anti-social behaviour towards any other dog owners or our staff will not be tolerated.

  • Entire (un-desexed) dogs that are mounting other dogs may be asked to leave.

  • Dogs must be on leash while entering and exiting the building, including in the reception area.

  • Do not leave your dog unattended at any time.

  • Please respect our property - destruction to our furniture, toys, equipment or premises

  • will not be tolerated. This includes chewing, digging, ripping, etc from dogs.

  • Dispose of all rubbish in the bins provided.

  • No smoking/vaping on the premises.

  • Utilise the poo bags and mop provided to clean up after your dog at all times.

By accessing our premises, you agree to:

  • Accept the risks involved and the incidents that can occur when dogs are interacting with each other in an off-lead environment.

  • Be responsible for 50% of damage caused by your dog or to your dog.

  • Provide your name and phone number to the other owner if an injury occurs.

Note: Security cameras are located throughout our premises. Footage of dogs and their owners may be used as evidence if necessary.

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